• Hey you, junkie,

    Who do you want to be ?

    Hey you, young teen,

    Where have you been?


    You have ink on your fingers and scars on your wrists

    Pills in one hand, knife in the other

    Voices in your head and despair in your heart

    What have ou said to those you hurt ?

    "Just one shot and a bloody mist".

    But a gunshot is not an eraser....


    Hey you, junkie,

    Who do you want to be ?

    Hey you, young teen,

    Where have you been?


    Why such a hurry to die ?

    You're too young to do that, you're too young for that crap.

    Why such a hurry to leave ?

    Is it really what you mean to ?

    Don't you have anything better to do ? 


    Hey you, junkie,

    Who do you want to be ?

    Hey you, young teen,

    Where have you been?


    The girl with dreams in her mind doesn't it sound better than the girl with a bullet in her head ?


    Hey you, junkie,

    Who do you want to be ?

    Hey you, young teen,

    Where have you been? 


    I want to be no one and I have been in hell.

    Now it's my funeral so you're going to ring the bells.

    I chose to be sorry.

    So come on, shoot me. ©


    Image de gif

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  • Aren't you aware ?

    Drugs aren't what they seem

    So please take care

    Don't go for a sunbeam

    Which glows only for a night

    And makes you so high

    That you wake up down

    And clear your countdown


    Oh you little girl

    I'm not gonna cry 

    If your world whirls

    And that you can't you fly


    Play as long as you want

    With C, E, H, D and K

    And all the death alphabet

    But don't come complain

    If you feel some pain

    Or if you throw up in your bed

    And you are in shreds


    Oh you little girl

    You are gonna cry

    If your world whirls

    And that you can't fly


    You're just a junkie

    Lost in a night club

    You think you are free

    Smoking your cigarette's stub

    That's such a pity

    To see you hook up

    For a rail of coke


    You don't want to miss your youth ?


    Don't you ?


    You don't want to miss your youth.


    Happiness has a price

    and it's ecstasy

    You think you can buy

    What's making you smile

    Don't you remember

    When all was better

    And all the matter

    Was only to know 

    If we want to grow



    Image de drugs, sex, and alien 

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  • Cross the bridge and come to the other side

    It's all gonna be alright

    Come to Wonderland 

    Forget all your worries

    Come to Neverland forget all your miseries


    There's a land waiting for you out there

    Some magic powder 

    Given by your fairy godmother

    Take a deep breath and jump in the air

    You'll see you can fly

    So please don't be shy

    Time is ticking away

    Drink the bottle or eat the cake

    As Peter Pan would say

    Wait and be awake


    A head full of fears

    And cheeks full of tears

    The air whispers a lost song in your ears

    Don't listen and see

    It's the villains of the story

    They are so tricky

    Burn the barriers, run through the trees

    Before it's too late

    To create and escape

    So come on, pass the gate


    Remember to dream

    This is not what it seems

    There's nothing silly

    In a rabbit drinking tea

    Or a cat made of mist

    Doesn't mean it doesn't exist

    So come on, take my hand

    Let's get lost in the madness of Wonderland ©


    Image de fairy tale, old, and quote 

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  • Sous une nuit sans lune, sous un orage battant, un oiseau file au vent

    Sous la pluie dans la nuit, un oiseau quitte le nid

    C'est Paris endormi qui tremble de dépit quand l'hirondelle s'enfuit

    Sans un bruit, une chute amortie, un corps qui sans vie gît

    Un désespoir enfuit pour une nouvelle vie d'un souffle sans répit

    Je ne dis pas adieu, ce n'est qu'un au revoir

    Cessez donc de croire à toutes les histoires

    Le corps n'est qu'une poupée

    Et la chute un envol

    D'un parachute trop noir

    Pour qu'on puisse le voir. ©


    Image de paris, france, and night 

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  • Chapiteau bariolé et public émerveillé

    Le spectacle bat son plein

    Acrobates déchaînés

    Du haut de ton trapèze

    Tu surplombes la piste

    Défiant la gravité

    Virevoltant souplement

    En une danse hypnotique

    Du haut de ton portique

    Tu fais naître des étoiles

    Des regards sous ton charme

    D'une foule électrique

    Un moment hors du temps

    Spectacle enchanteur

    D'une troupe de cirque

    Cabrioles et saltos

    Et autres complexes sauts

    Avant de tirer le rideau

    Sur ce monde envoûtant

    D'artistes fascinants.  ©




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